Mobile Application

For zen8labs mobile developers, ensuring the security of data sent over APIs is important. The chosen encryption algorithm is AES since it is dependable and widely used.
5 min read
If you are an iOS developer, you might be familiar with in-app-purchases (IAP). You can provide additional content or services within the app, such as buying clothes for your character, unlocking new features in your app, removing ads, etc. Learn about these areas in our new blog!
5 min read
Normally when programming a mobile application, we often encounter apps crashing, which is when the current application cannot operate (force close). But there is another status that is less serious: Application Not Responding (ANR). Why is it less serious because your application can continue to be used normally after waiting? The question is how to minimize ANR errors? Let's find out below.
3 min read
The need to make mock A.P.I responses has become increasingly crucial for efficient testing and development workflows. While various tools offer powerful capabilities for intercepting and modifying HTTP traffic, they often come with an expensive price tag. This is where mitmproxy steps in as a cost-effective and feature-rich alternative.
5 min read
This tutorial is to provide you with a deep understanding of the core components of RxSwift, focusing mainly on the implementation behind the scenes of RxSwift. After reading this post, it is hoped that you will have a clear understanding of what observables are, what subscriptions are, and how observables work.
7 min read
Communication between different software systems and services is essential in today's digital world. Developers constantly seek efficient and reliable ways to make these connections, and one technology that has gained significant traction in recent years is gRPC. In this article, we will explore what gRPC is, how it works, and why it has become a popular choice for building modern applications.
3 min read