
In Go, slices are one of the most important data structures, providing developers with a way to work with and manage collections of data similar to what we use at zen8labs. In this blog, I will introduce some internal aspects of slices and highlight some pitfalls to avoid when using slices in Go.
5 min read
One of the key strengths of Odoo is its modular architecture, which allows developers to extend and modify existing modules to their needs. In zen8labs' latest blog, we look at some ways that you can use Odoo to your prosperity.
3 min read
For beginners exploring Redux, you'll come across many tutorials using Redux Thunk or Redux Saga to manage async actions. However, here at zen8labs we can give recommendations between using Redux Saga over Redux Thunk in large-scale projects. Read them in our latest blog.
4 min read
The powerful and flexible "ttag" library simplifies translation management in ReactJS applications. It comes from supporting multiple languages enhances accessibility, improves user experience and broadens its reach. In our blog we break down the areas for you to gain a greater awareness of the Ttag. Let's see what it brings for you?
4 min read
If you're involved in the IT sector, you're likely acquainted with the term "low code". In this blog we find out about low code and what it means for you and your business and the benefits it can bring to your coding adventure.
10 min read
Handling many tasks at once is key to making software run better. Golang has strong tools to help with this. In this post, we’ll look at how to limit the number of tasks running at the same time in Golang. This helps balance the workload and avoid overloading the system. Using these methods can keep your application running smoothly and efficiently.
4 min read